Thursday, February 4

Valentines from the heart

I'm so proud of my child's writing talents. Here's a sampling of this year's valentines to friends:

Dear J,
You are lively. You almost always speak up. You spout out answers when you can.
You make the world braver.

Dear Carson,
You are playful. When people want to jump up and play, you
just do a few jokes, then they calm down. You always play at recess
if you can plus,you do great in P.E. You inspire athletes.

Dear B,
You have courage. You always speak up. You suggest games, too.
You have the touch.


  1. So sweet. Does she do this for everyone in her class?

  2. Yes, for everyone in her class. They'll each receive a booklet made up of all the nice things their classmates have said about them.

  3. What a great kiddo you have! That's so cool.

