Saturday, May 15

Poor excuse for a blogger

I originally thought I'd use this space to pour my thoughts and feelings into written word. I thought I'd inspire others to tag along my dream-paths. I was certain to please, offend or confuse the masses.

And almost as soon as I created my Blogger account I find myself self-censoring: this-or-that isn't appropriate for co-ed consumption. My musings on a particular subject might affect a future employment opportunity. My friends might vomit when they find out just how soul-less I might be. Hmmm...

Weren't we all raised to be independents, and not to care what other people think of us? What malarkey! What people think of us affects so much! Aside from our feelings, opinions tend to shape the opportunities presented, or at least the ease of opportunities.

Am I weak to ponder this? Am I status-quo?

Does this contemplation make for poor blogging?

1 comment:

  1. I think very little makes for poor blogging, as long as your audience enjoys it and I enjoyed this because I have had the same conundrum. There is something wonderfully freeing about posting whatever you want to say, about anything and send it out to the universe. It's like having a journal but I think it's better because you get comments from like-minded people supporting you or giving you better insight.

    I know the "I don't care what other people think" is malarkey, but it is important to live a bit that way. Too much self-censorship is a bad thing, but, on the other hand, I'm not really up to discussing my personal couple time with my hubby on my blog. ;)

