Saturday, February 28

Open that bottle night

Tonight is "Open That Bottle Night 2009." I happened across a page in the Wall Street Journal today mentioning the "holiday," in which people are encouraged to crack open the wine they've been saving for that elusive special occasion.

How smart! I'm exactly the person they're (whoever "they" is) speaking to! I have gift toiletries (soaps, lotions, spa items, etc.), gourmet food items, set-aside scrapbook materials, and a range of other uncategorizables that are "too good" for me to just use. But, of course, I never seem to remember to bring them out for a party or singular celebration. What is up with me? There's a constant movement around reminding me to celebrate myself, everyday. I'm sure I even perpetuate (all talk) that movement. And yet, there's still a precious jar of lemon curd downstairs in my pantry, several years old and unopened.

I need the little push that a declared "Open That Bottle Night" is designed to do. I think I'll invite some friends over, open some bottles, and delve into the pantry.

Anyone want to join me?


  1. Ooooh! Me! ME!! Pick ME!!! Sorry - got carried away by the thoughts of fabulous spa items and yummy lemon curd. BTW, your profile photo is uber-fabulous.

    And I like the useless knowledge section...where did you find that?

  2. You're picked! You're picked! Just hop on I-5 northbound...

    Yes, the useless knowledge is great. I'm readying about zebra harems at present. It was a Blogspot gadget I included in the layout.

    Thanks re the pic! It was taken ~1996 when I was trying to get into modeling. A makeup artist needed someone to use for her portfolio and I needed some headshots. Look how flawless the skin appears... *sigh*

  3. That skin is really flawless. I don't think I looked that good ever - even in 1996.

