Tuesday, March 17

Auction Setup '09

Lunch: Chili
Waters consumed: 2
Coffees consumed: 3
Corals created: ~10 partials

I spent the day helping with the school's auction setup. Like rummage, it's clearly a well-oiled machine, with a big recruitment of parent (and alumni parent) volunteers who eagerly take charge of a series of outlined tasks. Maintenance went to work on the hoists, stringing used nets to and fro across the ceiling of the athletic dome.

A table in the lunch section (an area set aside for the refreshment of volunteers, complete with a volunteer whose job it is to solicit food donations and feed the hoards) was ready for drop-in workers to sit and color fish. It's kinda like coloring sheets, but instead we're using bright Sharpies on even brighter tin sheets. Both sides are colored and the images will be hung to reflect the light.

In addition to the handmade stuff, we have several kits of party supply decoration that require assembly. A variety of smart folk worked through parts and directions to put those together.

For my part, I worked on reefs. Today's task was to create free-standing corals - painted tubes adorned with crumpled and shredded paper. I had a good team of paper-scrunchers and I was soon dedicated to stapling their creations to the bases.

I look forward to seeing the final setup [in a few more days]!

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