Friday, September 18


As my high school English teacher can attest, I'm a fan of list-making. I make grocery lists, packing lists, cleaning lists, and music lists. I organize my work life in an online task list. I make lists of books to read as I peruse the reviews. I continually update my Amazon wishlist. Somewhere I have lists of things I want to do in the next 5, 10 and 20 years.

When Helen was a baby and first tasting solids, I strove to offer her a perfectly-balanced diet. I tracked our inventory and her consumption on a kitchen whiteboard. Later, when cholesterol reared its ugly head in my lab results, I met with a nutritionist and created a purse-sized laminated dietary guide to list out the acceptable foods and serving sizes.

I've recently reincarnated a food guide for our current life. For purposes of balanced diet and economy, I pack lunches for all three of us every day. I found I was dreading the task, whether I prepared the night before or morning of. I was attempting to please 3 palates with an unknown array of refrigerator offerings.

Thinking back to Helen's baby days, I found the whiteboard and put it to renewed use. I keep the food column updated as items appear and disappear from our larder. Helen and Ken know to make their selections the night prior. I have less thinking to do and lunches are eaten in their entirety.

My life is easier with lists.

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