Thursday, August 26

Kindles: color in the future?

By now you've probably heard that Kindles have come down in price, to around $180 for a 3G-enabled device, or less for a wireless-only device. I'm *sure* it has *nothing* to do with competition faced by the introduction of the iPad. (Hah!)

I just read a short article saying that engineers in China are testing a color e-ink technology. At present, e-ink - the technology used on Kindle and Sony e-books - is only available in grayscale. Color will surely improve its usability. Also in testing is the touchscreen technology we've come to enjoy with our smartphones and similar devices. All this *may* become available by Christmas of this year. Here's hoping.

I'm also eager to post a link to multiple links to free book download sites. Remember that you can set up your Amazon Kindle options to email yourself pdfs to a specified address, allowing you to transfer the documents for free when you attach the Kindle to the computer.

I apologize for the brevity and lack of editing in this post, but I'm a little short of time and anxious not to forget these thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. This librarian thought her research would yield the best eReader. Unfortunately, the device didn't live up to its claims:

