Thursday, March 19

Auction Setup - Day 3

Lunch: Leftover lobster bisque & salad
Waters consumed: 3
Coffees consumed: 1
Corals created: 1 giant, and 1 partial gi-normous!

We finished the giant coral at the entrance today and strung it with lights. I wasn't impressed until I happened to see it from across the room. Wow, it really looks coral-y!

The remainder of my afternoon (I only spent a half day on site today) was spent cloaking a light tower in "reef." Leslie, Charlotte and I will suffer carpel tunnel, but we've nonetheless become expert paper-twisters. I look forward to posting pictures tomorrow.

Oh, and I got to hold the puppy again. I've named him "Toto."

Happiness is a warm puppy. ~Linus

1 comment:

  1. Where are the pics? It sounds lovely.

    Oh and the dogs are pretty cute too.

